
The tranquil Msasani Bay provides a relatively safe sailing environment whilst still being able to enjoy the predictable and sometimes challenging conditions that are encountered in the Tropics. Located at roughly 6 degrees south, the Club enjoys warm sea temperature with a gentle northerly current.

These excellent and forgiving sailing conditions have allowed the sailing section to prosper and remain one of the core activities at the club. The sailing section offers a full Sail Training programme and enjoys the services of a full time sail trainer who is available to assist any members interested in learning to sail. 

Within the greater sailing section there are numerous sailing sub-sections that accommodate all ages, abilities and interests. Members wishing to participate can obtain a list of contacts for the sub-sections from the DYC Office. These sub-sections include:

Optimist Dingy

The Optimist section is extremely active and is available for cadets up to the age of 13, and dependent on the cadet’s weight. It is also the focus area for the DYC’s National Development Program, which is aimed at assisting and introducing young Tanzanian sailors to the sport. The DYC has previously hosted the annual All Africa Optimist sailing regatta and also attends this event across the continent on a regular basis.

The success that has been achieved by these young sailors on an international platform is a source of great pride for the club and we look forward to continuing to provide a foundation for these young sailors.

Sail training takes place most afternoons and Sunday mornings is Race Day. The club has a few club boats for hire to enable new cadets to try the sport before considering purchasing a boat.


One of the most active sections in the club with approximately 80 boats registered, the section weekly race is held on a Friday late afternoon and is very well attended. The DYC has previously hosted the All Africa Laser Regatta where we have consistently punched well above our weight and achieved very respectable results.

The main annual event at the club is the Laser Open, which is normally held in September. In recent years this has been the DYC’s largest event attracting many international sailors. Racing normally takes place over three days with the winner being determined over a total of approximately eight races.

The Laser section also has an annual charity event which takes the form of a 24 hour relay race. A number of sailors form a team with the goal of completing as many laps of the short course as possible. Each team is supported by a “mother ship” which is normally one of the large yachts or catamarans. It is here where the competitors relax and socialize between sessions.

The funds raised during this event are donated to charities determined by the organizing committee


For any adrenalin junkies out there this is your section. The thrill of being on a Tiger reaching for a mark with one hull flying is an experience that is hard to describe. There are a broad range of Cats that make up this section but the fleet consists mostly of Hobie 16’s and Hobie Tigers, which allows for some great class racing. Weekly racing is on Saturday afternoons and is followed by prize giving at the OOD Box.

The Cat section also hosts Tanzacat, one of the best sailing events in Africa. This event is held over 9 days and consists of a series of Bay races at weekends, and the Zanzibar Raid during the week. The Raid involves sailing across to Zanzibar and enjoying a few relaxing days on the Spice Island. On alternate years this race becomes an international event hosting a large number of international sailors.

This section has previously sent a group of sailors to the All Africa Championships, which proved to be a great learning opportunity for our local sailors (if not a tad humbling). 


DYC has a diverse fleet of monohull and multihull yachts that participate in races throughout the racing season, June to March. With more than 35 yachts racing throughout the year, there’s plenty of action on the water. Our weekly bay races – Saturdays at 1400 – are a section standard, with yachts of all sizes racing between marks in Msasani Bay. Olympic courses, relay races and other race formats are scattered throughout the season to test our skippers’ seamanship and challenge our crews. Karibuni to the OOD Box for a Saturday briefing if you’d like to crew or helm your yacht in a race. Sailors of all skill levels are welcome; please feel free to contact the DYC yacht representative, at [email protected], with any questions.   
The yachts also compete in three major off-shore races annually – Ariadne, Tumbatu and Tanga in August, December and January (respectively) – with yachts from Kenya and elsewhere joining in these challenging, traditional races. Additional longer day races and off-shore overnights throughout the season test our sailing skills and develop our yachting community. Annual races to Dar es Salaam port, Fungu Yasini sandbank and other destinations near the club draw even more yachts to these friendly competitions. More information is available on the sailing calendar at the OOD Box, or just ask your fellow sailors!    
The yacht section also holds a monthly skills, sailing and socialise night with experienced sailors sharing knowledge about specific nautical topics – from night sailing to knot tying to Zanzibar anchorage sites – for all members and guests to join. DYC yacht sailors enjoy some of the most beautiful destinations in Tanzania – and take advantage of these secluded, picturesque sites by cruising throughout the year. Tanzania has spectacular marine parks and reserves, which many yachts sail to for weekend (or longer) getaways. These social, relaxing cruises are key to maintaining our yachting community and enjoying the best of the Swahili coast.